Sunday, May 24, 2020

മഴക്കാലരോഗങ്ങൾ -അറിയാം, അകറ്റാം, മലമ്പനിയുംവൈറൽ പനിയും by Dr. Mabel Merl...

Ubiquitous Microbes


Microbes are here, there, everywhere. 

From in and around us, and even in the most inhospitable environments, microorganisms are present. 

The air we breathe, the food we eat, the drinks we consume, the clothes we wear, come to think of it- microorganisms have a role in each and every aspect of our lives. 

The myriad roles they play, the way they maintain our environment, how they make or break us -quite interesting a journey it is to the microbe world.

Come, let us explore, the Ubiquitous Microbes :)

Anaerobic media

  Anaerobes require special media where all O 2 must be excluded. These media contain reducing substances or has other mechanisms to ensure ...