Friday, February 26, 2021

Isolation of Cellulase producing organisms from soil


To isolate cellulose producing organisms (cellulolytic) from the soil


Cellulose is a predominant component of higher plants and most abundant biopolymer and polysaccharide found on earth. It forms the main constituent of cell wall of plants, most algae and some fungi. Cellulose is a linear homologous polymeric chain consisting of D-glucose residues that make up to 10,000 glucose residues, linked by β-1,4 glycosidic bonds. 

Though cellulose is plentiful, it is not utilized completely due to the fact of being insoluble. It is the food for ruminant mammals and termites which have bacteria that secrete cellulose digesting enzymes-cellulases. A cellulosic enzyme system consists of three major components: endo-ß-glucanase (CMCase) exo-ß-glucanase (cellobiohydrolase) and ß-glucosidase (cellobiase). The co-operative action of these three enzymes result in the complete hydrolysis of cellulose to glucose.

 The organisms which produces cellulase are known as cellulolytic organisms. Soil contains numerous microorganisms which produce cellulase. Eg. Cellulomonas, Clostridium, Pseudomonas and Trichoderma, Aspergillus etc. Fungi are the main cellulase-producing microorganisms, though a few bacteria and actinomycetes have also been recently reported to produce cellulase. 

Cellulase production can be detected using agar containing cellulose. Cellulose agar is a medium where if we grow microorganisms which produce cellulase, a clear zone develops around the growth, which indicates cellulolysis.

 Cellulose is the most abundant and renewable feedstock for energy source and can be used for the production of alternative fuels by the conversion of lignocellulosic biomass to biofuel. It has a wide range of applications such as food and beverage, pulp and paper, textile, animal feed, detergent and agriculture. 

Materials Required

 Soil sample, Petriplates, Carboxymethyl cellulose agar,  Tubes for serial dilution, L- rod



1.      1g fertile soil was dissolved in 100 ml sterile distilled water to obtain 10-2 dilution. It was then serially diluted to obtain dilutions till 10-6.

2.    Aliquots of I ml from 10-4, 10-5, 10-6 dilutions were transferred into Carboxymethyl cellulose plates and spread plate performed.

3.      Inoculated Carboxymethyl cellulose plates were then incubated at 370C for 2-5 days.

4.      After incubation, the plates were flooded with Gram’s Iodine and observed



Presence of colourless zones or clear halo was detected around cellulolytic colonies on the plates, which indicated cellulose hydrolysis.


Media Composition (Don't write in record sheet)

 Carboxymethyl Cellulose Agar (pH 7.0)

Carboxymethyl Cellulose 10 g

NaCl 0.1 g

Yeast extract 0.4 g

NH 4 H 2 PO 4 0.1 g

MgSO 4 7H 2 O 0.2 g

Agar 15 g

Distilled water 1000 ml

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E and G


Hepatitis cannot be differentiated by symptoms because of similar symptoms. Hepatitis is a common viral infection with a variety of strains , some acute and some chronic in nature.


Table showing the Differences between Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E

Different types of Viral Hepatitis


Hepatitis A

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis C

Hepatitis D

Hepatitis E

Aetiology (cause)

Hepatitis A Virus

Hepatitis B Virus

Hepatitis C Virus

Hepatitis D Virus

Hepatitis E Virus


Single stranded RNA virus

Single Stranded DNA virus

Single Stranded RNA virus

Single Stranded RNA virus

Single Stranded RNA virus

Presence of Envelope

Non-enveloped virus

Enveloped virus

Enveloped virus

Enveloped virus

Non-enveloped virus

Viral Family

Picorna virus

Hepadna virus

Flavi virus

No Viral Family but known as Delta virus


Incubation Period

2 to 7 weeks

6 weeks to 6 months

2 to 23 weeks

2 to 8 weeks

3 to 9 weeks

Mode of Transmission

Eating contaminated food and drinks (Feco-oral spread)

Mostly by blood and sexual contact

By blood and sexual contact

Coinfection or superinfection with Hepatitis B

Feco-orally spread

Mother to Child

May not be transmitted to baby in pregnancy

Mother can transmit to baby during birth

Mother can transmit to baby during birth

May not be transmitted to baby in pregnancy

May not be transmitted to baby in pregnancy

Treatment and Drugs

No drugs; only treated by supporting the body to fight the infection

Antiretroviral drugs (e.g. Lamivudine)

Ledipasvir and Sofosbuvir

Lonafarnib and pegylated interferon

No treatment, only supportive management

Severity and Complications

Does not cause Liver cancer

Can cause Liver cancer

Can cause Liver cancer

Does not cause Liver cancer on its own but worsen it in Hepatitis B infection

Does not cause liver cancer. It has bad outcome in Pregnant women

Vaccines availability

There is a vaccine

There is vaccine available

There is no vaccine

Vaccination against Hepatitis B is protective

There is vaccine

Hepatitis cannot be differentiated by symptoms because all Hepatitides have similar symptoms.

Hepatitis is a common viral infection in the hospital population, especially with liver failure patients. There are a variety of strains of hepatitis, some acute and some chronic in nature.

Hepatitis A

Cause:  Fecal-oral route of transmission, meaning that a person ingests food or water that has been contaminated by human waste containing the Hepatitis A virus. It is often spread among household members via the passage of oral secretions (kissing) or stool (poor hand hygiene).

Length of Infection: Hepatitis A does not cause a long-term infection. Hepatitis A can be prevented with a vaccine.

Hepatitis B

Cause: Hepatitis B is a blood borne infection, meaning it is spread by direct contact with infected blood or bodily fluids.  Specific examples of transmission include sharing dirty needles when injecting IV drugs, having sexual contact with an infected individual, or passing infection from an infected mother to her unborn child.

Length of Infection: This form of hepatitis causes chronic liver damage in a small percentage of infected individuals; however, many people recover from this within six months. Hepatitis B can cause cirrhosis, liver failure, and liver cancer.  There is also a vaccine available to prevent Hepatitis B.  

Hepatitis C

Cause: Hepatitis C is spread similarly to Hepatitis B.  It is most commonly spread by sharing dirty needles for IV drug use or coming into contact with infected blood.

Length of Infection: The majority of people infected with Hepatitis C have this as a life-long infection. It can lead to cirrhosis. There is no vaccine for this form of Hepatitis.  Many people with this infection have no symptoms until their cirrhosis is very advanced.  Hepatitis C can also cause liver failure and liver cancer. 

Hepatitis D, Hepatitis E, And Hepatitis G

Hepatitis D virus (HDV), also known as the delta virus or agent. It is a small virus that requires concomitant infection with HBV to survive. HDV cannot survive on its own because it requires a protein that the HBV makes (the envelope protein, also called surface antigen) to enable it to infect liver cells. The ways in which HDV is spread are by shared needles among drug abusers, contaminated blood, and by sexual contact; essentially the same ways as HBV.

Individuals who already have chronic HBV infection can acquire HDV infection at the same time as they acquire the HBV infection, or at a later time. Those with chronic hepatitis due to HBV and HDV develop cirrhosis (severe liver scarring) rapidly. Moreover, the combination of HDV and HBV virus infection is very difficult to treat.

Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is similar to HAV in terms of disease, and mainly occurs in Asia where it is transmitted by contaminated water.

Hepatitis G virus (HGV, also termed GBV-C) was recently discovered and resembles HCV, but more closely, the flaviviruses; the virus and its effects are under investigation, and its role in causing disease in humans is unclear.

Symptoms Of Hepatitis

The symptoms of hepatitis are similar for all three types:

· Fever

· Nausea and vomiting

· Loss of appetite

· Flu-like symptoms

· Fatigue and weakness

· Lack of nutrition

· Aching in the abdomen

· Pale or clay-colored stool

· Dark urine

· Yellowing of skin or eyes


For acute hepatitis, the main treatment is symptom relief.  Special consideration should be given to any medications that a patient takes to see the effect it may have on an impaired liver.

Chronic hepatitis (B and C) is managed mainly with medications to eradicate the virus. Patients should avoid alcohol and cigarettes which can aggravate the liver.  

Selective & Differential media

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