Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Ultrastructure of bacteria- External structures-glycocalyx & capsule

                     BACTERIAL CELL STRUCTURE

Procaryotic cells are in general smaller, grow extremely rapidly and lack the complex vesicular transport systems in comparison to eucaryotic cells. A variety of structures are found in procaryotic cells. Not all structures are found in every genus. Also, gram- negative and gram-positive cells differ, particularly with respect to their cell walls. Despite these variations procaryotes are consistent in their fundamental structure and most important components.

Procaryotic cells are bounded by a chemically complex cell wall. Inside this wall, and separated from it by a periplasmic space is the plasma membrane. The genetic material is localized in a discrete region, the nucleoid and is not separated from the surrounding cytoplasm by membranes. Ribosomes and larger masses called inclusion bodies are scattered about in the cytoplasmic matrix. Both gram-positive and gram-negative cells can use flagella for locomotion. In addition, many cells are surrounded by a capsule or slime layer external to the cell wall.



Plasma membrane

Selectively permeable barrier, mechanical boundary of cell,

nutrient and waste transport, location of many metabolic processes

 (respiration, photosynthesis), detection of environmental cues for chemotaxis

Gas vacuole

Buoyancy for floating in aquatic environments


Protein synthesis

Inclusion bodies

Storage of carbon, phosphate, and other substances


Localization of genetic material (DNA)

Periplasmic space

Contains hydrolytic enzymes and binding proteins for nutrient processing and uptake

Cell wall

Gives bacteria shape and protection from lysis in dilute solutions

Capsules and slime layers

Resistance to phagocytosis, adherence to surfaces

Fimbriae and pili

Attachment to surfaces, bacterial mating




Survival under harsh environmental conditions

External cell structures


·         All polysaccharide containing substances found external to cell wall

·         Thickest capsule to thinnest slime layer


·         Protective structure secreted by the organism; seen outside the cell wall

·      Capsules -clearly visible in the light microscope using negative stains or special capsule stains; also with the electron microscope

·         Well organized & not easily washed off

·  Chemical composition unique to the organism -  Usually composed of polysaccharides; may be constructed of other materials. eg., Bacillus anthracis - poly- D-glutamic acid capsule

·  Pathogens usually are capsulated; prevents phagocytosis by host phagocytic cells eg., Streptococcus pneumoniae -Without a capsule, more vulnerable to destruction & less likely to cause disease, whereas the capsulated variant is pathogenic

Slime Layers

·         A slime layer is a zone of diffuse, unorganized material that is removed easily.

·         Capsules and slime layers usually are composed of polysaccharides


·         Many gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria have a regularly structured layer called an S-layer on their surface- S layer has a pattern like floor tiles and is composed of protein or glycoprotein

·         S- layers  are very common among Archaea bacteria, where they may be the only wall structure outside the plasma membrane.

·    In gram-negative bacteria the S-layer adheres directly to the outer membrane whereas it is associated with the peptidoglycan surface in gram-positive bacteria.

In general, glycocalyx, capsules, slime layers, S-layers

  • helps maintain the shape and envelope rigidity of at least some bacterial cells
  • aids bacterial attachment to surfaces of solid objects in aquatic environments or to tissue surfaces in plant and animal hosts
  • protect bacteria against desiccation, pH fluctuations, osmotic stress, enzymes, or the predacious bacterium Bdellovibrio
  • protection against bacterial viruses and  detergents
  • protect some pathogens against complement attack and phagocytosis, thus contributing to their virulence

Anaerobic media

  Anaerobes require special media where all O 2 must be excluded. These media contain reducing substances or has other mechanisms to ensure ...