Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Oligo dynamic action of heavy metals on microbes


To demonstrate the oligo dynamic action of heavy metals like copper


The ability of small amount of heavy metals to exert a lethal effect on bacteria is designated as oligo dynamic action. The effectiveness of this small amounts of metal is probably due to the high affinity of cellular proteins for the metallic ions. Although the concentration of ion in solutions may be miniscule (few parts per million) cells die due to the cumulative effects of ions within the cell.

Oligo dynamic action of certain other heavy metals have been applied to water purification, ointment manufacturing and the treatments of bandages and fabrics.

Materials Required

Culture - Staphylococcus aureus/ Escherichia coli/ Klebsiella/ Bacillus

Media - Nutrient agar

Equipments - Petri plate, Bunsen burner, alcohol, sterile swabs, metallic disc of copper


1.  1. Nutrient agar was prepared and sterilized and poured into sterile petridishes.

2.  2. Sterile cotton swab was moistened with broth culture of bacteria and was spread uniformly over the surface of agar plate

3.  3. The coin was surface sterilized using alcohol and placed at the center of the nutrient agar plate with the help of a sterile forceps

4.   \4. The plates were incubated at 37oC for 24 hours

5.  5. The diameter of the zone of inhibition/clearance around the copper coin was measured.


The diameter of the zone of clearance around the copper coin was 2.5 cm



Further Reading (optional, but recommended)


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