- First organic acid produced by microorganisms
- Commercial production by fermentation or synthetic processes
- Lactic acid is used as acidulant (give sour, or acidic flavor to foods)/ flavouring/ pH buffering agent or inhibitor of bacterial spoilage in a wide variety of processed foods. It is non-volatile, odorless, has a mild acidic taste and is classified as GRAS (generally regarded as safe).
- It is a very good preservative and pickling agent.
- Addition of lactic acid aqueous solution to the packaging of poultry and fish increases their shelf life.
- The esters of lactic acid are used as emulsifying agents in baking foods (glyceryl lactostearate, glyceryl lactopalmitate).
- Technical grade lactic acid is used in leather tanning industries. Various textile finishing operations and acid dying of food require low cost technical grade lactic acid for pH adjustment, hardening baths for cellophanes used in food packaging, terminating agent for phenol formaldehyde resins, lithographic and textile printing developers, adhesive formulations etc
- Lactic acid has many pharmaceutical and cosmetic applications and formulations in topical ointments, lotions, anti acne solutions, dialysis applications.
- Calcium lactate can be used for calcium deficiency therapy and as anti caries agent.
- Polymers of lactic acids are biodegradable thermoplastics. These polymers are transparent and their degradation can be controlled by adjusting the composition, and the molecular weight. Their properties approach those of petroleum derived plastics.
- Polymers of lactic acids have medical applications as sutures (stitches), orthopaedic implants, controlled drug release etc.
- Poly L-lactic acid with low degree of polymerization can help in controlled release or degradable mulch films for large-scale agricultural applications.
Lactic acid fermentation is a metabolic process by which glucose is converted into pyruvate and then anaerobially, into lactate. Lactic acid fermentation is an anaerobic fermentation reaction that occurs in some bacteria and animal cells, such as muscle cells invoving lactate dehydrogenase enzyme
Theoretically, from I mole of glucose, 2 moles of lactate obtained - 90% yield obtained practically.
- Microorganisms
Commercial production using fermentaion with Lactic acid bacteria
Two kind:
substrate conversion into lactic acid. Not much production of byproducts or
cell biomass. Used in commercial lactic acid production. Eg. Lactobacillus delbrueckii, L. bulgaricus
Heterofermentative- Produce some lactic acid, and a great amount of byproducts like CO2, ethanol, acetic acid etc. Not suitable for commercial lactic acid production. Eg. Leuconostoc mesenteroides
Lactobacillus has complex nutritional
requirements, as they have lost their ability to synthesize their own growth
factors. They cannot grow solely on carbon source and inorganic nitrogen salts.
Organisms such as Rhizopus oryzae
have less limiting nutritional requirements and can utilize starch feed stocks.
They are able to produce pure L (+) lactic acid. Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Kluyveromyces
lactis also can produce of L (+) lactic acid.
choice of an organism primarily depends on the carbohydrate to be fermented. Lactobacillus delbreuckii are able to
ferment sucrose. Lactobacillus bulgaricus
is able to use lactose/whey. Lactobacillus
helveticus is able to use both lactose and galactose. Lactobacillus amylophylus and
Lactobacillus amylovirus are able to ferment starch. Lactobacillus lactis can ferment glucose, sucrose and galactose. Lactobacillus pentosus have been used to
ferment sulfite waste liquor.
Stock culture maintained in skim milk media. Milk used for building up of inoculum since it is an ideal medium. Culture transferred and incubated in increasing amounts to sterile skim milk and finally whey.
of microorganism depends on the carbon source being used
- Media and Conditions
1) Carbon
- Glucose, maltose, sucrose, lactose etc.
- Crude substrates like Corn starch, potato starch, molasses, whey, sulfite lyes etc
- Starch is pretreated with amylase/acid hydrolysis to break down into simple sugars (Glucose, maltose)
- Sulphite lyes steam stripped to eliminate SO2 and alkali treatment to remove lignin-pretreatment
- Sugar conc. Usually adjusted to 5-20%, usually 12%.
- Whey is a major source since it contains, lactose
Choice of carbon source depends on
Ø Availability
Ø Treatments required prior to fermentation
Ø Cost
- Byproduct of dairy industry, cheese industry
- Value addition by converting whey into lactic acid
- It contains, carbohydrates, nitrogenous substances, vitamins and salts
- Large quantities produced annually as part of dairy industries
2) Nitrogen sources
Ammonium salts like ammonium hydrogen phosphate (0.25%)
3) Growth
factors & mineral sources
- Complex nutrients, especially Vit B 12 complexes
- Supplied by enriching the medium with malt sprouts and other crude vegetable sources (care taken to avoid overheating of such materials, during drying)
- Minerals added as per the requirement of microorganisms
- 5.5-6.5 - maintained using CaCO3
- The acid produced can accumulate and should be
neutralized or removed for improved growth and yield
- At low pH values, no other bacterial
contamination. High pH values can inhibit the gowth of Lactobacilli and
inhibit fermentation
- Depend on
the microorganism used
- 45-500C
for Lactobacillus
delbreuckii or Lactobacillus
- 300C for Lactobacillus pentosus, L. casei, Streptococcus lactis
- anaerobic fermentation;
No supply of sterile air
- Facultative
anaerobes are used for fermentation so, complete air removal not needed
- Broth
usually stirred to keep CaCO3 in suspension
- 5-10 days
- Usually completed using 12-13% glucose supply
- L+ lactic acid produced commercially. 93-95% of weight of glucose supplied is converted to lactic acid.
- Free lactic acid toxic to the organism- removed continuously by electro dialysis or continuous culture.
- Fermentation carried out in wooden lined tank/stainless steel tank to avoid corrosion.
of recovery depends on the type of grade required- food grade, technical grade
or plastic grade. Broth heated to dissolve calcium lactate, then filtered. Calcium
precipitated by adding H2SO4. Lactic acid concentrated
and further purified.
Plastic grade lactic acid by esterification with methanol after concentration
Technical grade lactic acid- Calcium present removed as calcium sulfate dihydrate
by precipitation. Filtration to remove the precipitate of CaSO4
dihydrate and further concentration to 35-40% lactic acid by evaporation.
Food grade lactic acid- Fermented broth filtered followed by acidification
of filtrate. Calcium precipitated as CaSO4, washed, filtrate
treated with activated carbon to remove organic impurities. Concentration of
crude lactic acid to 25% solids by evaporation. Refining and evaporation
repeated to obtain 65% total acidity. Sodium Ferro cyanide treatment to remove
heavy metals (eg., copper) by precipitation to remove discolouration. Ion
exchange chromatography finally to remove traces of contamination.
- A Text Book of Industrial Microbiology: (2nd edition By Wulf Crueger & Anneliese Crueger)
- Industrial Microbiology: (By Casida L. E.New Age international (P) ltd publications)
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